The Youngstown Flea | Indoor Placement Fee
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Indoor Placement Fee


Reserve your indoor vendor space now. Click on the “DESCRIPTION” button below, prior to purchasing, for more info. We can’t wait to see you soon.

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Reserve your INDOOR vendor space placement now.


When you purchase a vendor pass you are agreeing that you understand and accept to the following:

1.) Youngstown Flea does not issue refunds for vendor passes. We are RAIN OR SHINE. If an event is postponed/cancelled by us, the Youngstown Flea, due to any issue, vendors will receive a holdover pass for future use at a Market event of their choosing. If a vendor opts-out of participation, with or without notice, you understand that you are forfeiting your pass for that Market.

2.) Purchase of this Indoor Placement Pass, means that you have been PRE-APPROVED to join us and are securing indoor space based on the exact dates listed in your pre-approval response communication. You will receive confirmation of your purchase immediately and will receive load-in information, vendor map and more prior to the event.

3.) For more information and for answers to Frequently Asked Questions, we urge you to visit our vendor FAQ Page. By purchasing your vendor pass, you are agreeing to our policies.